Creating and Selling Tickets for Your Event Using Eventzilla

Creating an event page on Eventzilla is not only free but also a swift and straightforward process. In a matter of minutes, you can have your event details live and ready for attendees.

Event Setup and Management

Quick Registration:

Start by signing up or logging into your Eventzilla account and click the 'Create Event' button located at the top of your screen. 

Event Name:

When selecting your event title, aim for something concise, impactful, and memorable. Choose a name that captures the essence of your event and includes relevant keywords to improve discoverability. The ideal title should be easy to remember and spark interest and excitement.

Event Type:

Be specific. Choosing the right category helps attendees find your event more easily. If your event fits multiple categories, pick the one most likely to appeal to your target audience.

Date & Time:

Consider your audience's availability. Weekends might work better for public events, while weekdays are often preferred for professional gatherings. For recurring events, ensure the schedule is consistent and clear.

Upload Cover Image or Select from Library:

Choose an image that visually represents your event. High-quality, relevant images can significantly attract more attendees. If uploading your own, ensure it's eye-catching and aligns with your event's theme.

  • Organizer Details:

    Be sure to include easy-to-find contact details! If attendees have any questions or need help, they'll appreciate knowing how to get in touch with you. Don't forget to add your social media handles too, if that's a good way for people to reach out.

  • Event Description:

    Craft a captivating description that paints a vivid picture of what guests will experience. Highlight who will benefit most from attending and share the exciting reasons why they shouldn't miss out. To really draw them in, sprinkle in some engaging multimedia like videos and photos. These visual elements not only enhance your message but also give a taste of the fantastic experience awaiting them!

Using AI to Generate Event Description:

Make your event description shine effortlessly with AI! Simply input your target audience, the desired tone, and location, and in seconds, you'll have a tailor-made, engaging event description.

Venue Details:

Remember to pop in the exact address for your event when you can. If you're still finalizing the venue, no worries – you can always add it later. For virtual events, ensure the online meeting link is secure and accessible.

Multiple Ticket Types:

Tailor your event's registration experience by offering options like early bird, VIP, or student tickets. Each type can come with its own set of perks and access levels. Plus, you have the flexibility to collect different pieces of information from attendees based on their ticket choice.

Advanced Ticket Settings:

Use these settings to manage your event's capacity, control the flow of ticket sales, and offer exclusive or limited-time tickets. This can also be a tool to gauge early interest and adjust your marketing strategies accordingly.

Payment Options:

Eventzilla offers integration with various payment processing options, including PayPal, Square, and Stripe, offering flexibility in handling event finances and maintaining a balance between cost and attendee accessibility. Event organizers can either absorb fees or pass them onto attendees, a key decision for budget management.

Preview and Publish:

You can preview your event page before publishing.

Once published, promote your event by linking the registration page to your website, blog, or social media, or embed the registration widget.

You're now ready to sell tickets and promote your event on Eventzilla!

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