How to import attendee list to your event?

You can upload the attendee list associated with your event. This is useful in cases where

1.       An individually already completed the payment and you just want to add them to the attendee list

2.       A customer who may not be intended to pay for the registration  using the public registration form  but you can include them as part of attendee list

Please follow the steps here to import attendees:

Step 1: Go to the People - Attendees page > Click on ‘Import attendees’

Please adhere to the below-given points:

  •          Only CSV file format is accepted.
  •          Please ensure you import a maximum of 50 records at a time.
  •          Please ensure that the names of the ticket/registration types in your file match exactly with your event's registration settings.

Step 2: Next, download the import template by clicking ‘Download template’

Step 3: Feed the attendee details on the download csv file and save local.

Step 4:  Once updated click on ‘Browse’ to upload the file and click on 'Next'

Step 5:  In this step map the columns from the drop down option and click 'Next'

Step 6: You have 2 options to choose, either you choose to send a confirmation email to all the attendees added to through the 'Import attendee' option or please select not to send anything.
Once selected click on 'Finish import'

Once added you can view the list of attendees on your view orders or view attendees page. 

Please check the order details given here, the payment method - Registered-Offline conveys that these are imported attendees.

Please write to for any additional details.

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