How to Send Eventzilla Data to Other Apps Using Zapier
Zapier is an Eventzilla Pro integration that allows you to connect Eventzilla to the apps you use and export data seamlessly. This integration requires no technical knowledge and you can do by following the steps below.
In order to pass data from Eventzilla to another different application (such as or, that application must also support Zapier integrations. You can find a list of all the applications that support Zapier here.
Eventzilla users have used Zapier to automatically add attendees to a mailing list on MailChimp or lead on Salesforce, as well as save new attendees to a new row on Google Sheets document.
To get started with Eventzilla and Zapier
1. Login to Zapier or create your Zapier account.
2. Select Make a Zap!
Setup a Trigger
3. Under Choose a Trigger App in Zapier, search for and select Eventzilla.
Set up a Trigger
A Zapier trigger is what initiates the data to be sent from one application to another.
4. Select which Eventzilla Trigger you would like to setup.
The add new attendee option will trigger when someone registers for your event on Eventzilla and contains attendee information such as first name, last name, and email address.
5. Once you've selected Eventzilla and setup your Trigger, select Connect a New Account.
You will then be prompted by Zapier to enter in your Eventzilla API key.
To create an Eventzilla API key for Zapier:
Log in to your Eventzilla account and go to integrations on left navigation, click on Zapier
Select Create API Key
- Copy & Paste your Eventzilla API key into the Zapier auth form and select Yes, Continue.
6. You can test the connection to your account by selecting the Test button.
When you're all set, select Save + Continue.
7 . Select the event listing you would like the data transferred from. Only information from this event will be sent to the app you are connecting with.
*Note: If you would like to transfer data from all of your Eventzilla event listings, you can select all events. Once you have selected your event listing, make sure to test to make sure that everything is working correctly. To do this, select Fetch & Continue.
Setup an Action
Now that you have your Trigger setup, the next step is to create an Action or in other words, what happens once the Trigger happens.
For example, an action could be "Create new lead in Salesforce" or "Add new subscriber to a Campaign Monitor mailing list".
9. Search for and choose and Action app for your zap. You must have an existing account with the chosen app in order to setup an integration.
For this example, we are going to use Google Sheets to create a new row in a google sheet, every time a new ticket is sold. You must have a Google Sheet already created, with the appropriate column headings added (such as email, first name, last name).
10. Select the Action you'd like to create from the list provided for your chosen Action App. Select Save & Continue.
Give Zapier any permissions needed to connect to your selected Action App. You can test the success of the connection by selecting Test. Once successful, select Save & Continue.
11. Select the worksheet to add new attendees from Eventzilla.
12. Finally, you can test this Action to make sure it is working correctly. Once successful select Finish.
Name your zap and turn it on. Once your zap is turned on you'll see a confirmation page. You are all set now!