Difference between On-Stage and Breakout sessions?

What is the difference between On-Stage Sessions and Breakout Sessions?

On-Stage Sessions

On-stage sessions can be live streamed to thousands of attendees and are generally used for keynote type of sessions. These sessions will be less interactive and mostly listen to the speaker.

Break out sessions

A presentation, discussion, or activity that takes place as part of a larger event (such as a conference, convention, or seminar) and for which some of the event's participants temporarily separate themselves from the others.

Breakout sessions are smaller, less than 20 attendees total, and interactive. This can be used to use for panel discussions, workshops, and deep dives on specific topics within a conference or seminar. Break-out groups are intended to break up the monotony of a long meeting and get people talking to each other on key topics

Breakout rooms allow a meeting organizer to split your attendees into multiple online rooms for discussion and collaboration

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