Viewing Premium Features: Speakers and Sponsors on Event Page Preview

Organizers now have the ability to experience the speaker and sponsor sections on the event preview page. These features are typically part of the premium subscription package, but you can now try them out by creating speaker and sponsor details on your event page and viewing them on the event preview page.

Here's how to access and utilize these premium features:

  1. Speaker and Sponsor Sections:
    • Log in to your Eventzilla account
    • Navigate to the event setup pages.
    • Click on "Speakers" or "Sponsors" to add details.

      Adding Speakers:

    • Enter the speaker's name, bio, photo, and any other relevant details.
    • Save the speaker details.

      Adding Sponsors:

    • Enter the sponsor's name, logo, description, and any other relevant details.
    • Save the sponsor details.

      Previewing Premium Features:

    • Once you have added speakers and sponsors, navigate to the event preview option.
    • You can now view the speaker and sponsor sections as they would appear to attendees.

      Subscription Requirement:

    • It's important to note that for free events, access to these premium features requires a subscription process.
    • However, you can now experience them risk-free by adding speakers and sponsors to your event page and previewing them.
    • To make your speaker list available to your registrants, you will need an active "Premium Features" addon.

      Try it Out:

    • Start adding your speakers and sponsors to your event page.
    • Preview them on your event website to ensure everything looks as expected.
    • Remember, you can try this out without committing to a subscription.

By following these steps, you can experience premium features such as speakers and sponsors on your event page preview, helping you enhance your event's appeal and engagement.

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