How to specify and update the event type?

When creating an event on Eventzilla, specifying the event type is a crucial step to ensure the event details are correctly captured and displayed. Whether your event is in-person, online, or hybrid, selecting the appropriate event type will help you manage and promote your event more effectively.

This article will guide you on how to select and edit your event type, which can be done during the event creation process or at any time later during the event setup.

There are three main event types:

In-person event

An In-person event is an event that occurs at a physical venue. It requires the organizer to provide the physical venue details such as the venue name, address, city, state, and country.

Select this event type when your event will be held at a physical location such as a conference hall, office, theater, or any other venue where attendees need to be physically present.

Online event

An Online event (also known as a Virtual event) is an event that takes place entirely online, with no physical venue required. This includes webinars, online courses, or any event that is conducted over the internet, where attendees participate remotely.

Select this event type when your event will be hosted entirely online, such as through a video conferencing platform (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.). No physical venue details are necessary, and attendees will join virtually.

No venue address or physical location is needed for online events.

Hybrid event

A Hybrid event combines both in-person and online components, allowing you to reach a larger audience by simulcasting the event. In a hybrid event, some attendees may participate physically, while others join virtually.

Select this event type when your event will take place at a physical venue, but you also want to stream the event online for a wider audience. This is ideal for conferences, workshops, and live performances where some attendees will be on-site, and others will be joining remotely.

Need to provide physical venue information for the in-person attendees, including the venue name, address, and other location details, also provide details for the online event portion, such as the virtual platform (Zoom, Google Meet, etc.), and any relevant links.

Each event type has different requirements in terms of location, venue details, and the audience experience. Below are the descriptions of each type and how to select the right one for your event. In-Person Event

How to specify or edit your event type?

Log in to the organizer account.

In the event setup menu on the left side of the screen, click on "Location/Venue" to access the section where you can specify the event type.

Three event type options are displayed In-Person event, Online event, and Hybrid event.

Choose the appropriate event type based on the nature of your event.

Once you've selected your event type, make sure to click "Save" to confirm the changes.

Why specifying your event type is important?

Specifying your event type helps you:

Manage event details: Eventzilla will prompt you for specific information based on the event type you choose, ensuring you collect all the necessary data for your event.

Customize the event page: The event type affects how your event page will be displayed to attendees, helping you provide the right information for each type of event.

Simplify attendee experience: By specifying whether your event is in-person, online, or hybrid, attendees will know exactly what to expect and how to participate.

If you need further assistance or have any questions regarding how to specify or edit your event type, feel free to contact our support team at

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