How to Setup a Post Event Survey

Gathering feedback is essential for improving future events. Eventzilla makes it easy for organizers to collect valuable insights through post-event surveys. Follow these steps to create and send a survey to your attendees.

Accessing the Survey Feature

Log in to your Eventzilla account.

Go to Event > Engagement > Survey.

Click on Create Survey to begin setting up your post-event survey.

Configuring the Survey Details

    • Enter a title for your survey.

Survey Questions:

  • Choose from our question gallery: Select pre-designed questions relevant to your event category.


  • Create custom questions: Craft your own questions tailored to gather specific feedback. Choose from options like small text box, large text box, radio buttons, checkboxes, etc.

Sending Options

Immediate Sending:

Choose to send the survey immediately after creating it.

Schedule Sending:

Specify the number of days after the event date for the survey to be automatically sent.

Or select a specific date and time to send the survey.

Survey Reminders:

Opt to send email reminders to attendees who haven't completed the survey.

Customize the timing of these reminders, specifying up to 3 reminders per survey.

Saving and Sending

Save Draft:

Save your survey as a draft to finalize and send later.

Send Now or Schedule:

Click Save & Schedule/Send Now to save and send the survey immediately or on a scheduled date.

Setting up a post-event survey on Eventzilla allows you to gather valuable feedback efficiently. Customize your survey to capture insights that will help you enhance future events and improve attendee satisfaction.

For further assistance or questions, please contact our support team at

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