Sending Email Notifications to Attendees in Eventzilla

Communicating with your event attendees is crucial for a successful event. Eventzilla makes it simple for event organizers to send email notifications to their attendees.

Here’s how you can efficiently use this feature to keep your attendees informed and engaged.

How to Send Email Notifications

Accessing the Email Notifications Feature

  1. Go to the Engagement section > "Email Notifications."
  2. Click on "Compose New Email" to start creating your email.

Composing Your Email

  1. Notification Title: Enter a title for your email notification.
  2. Email Subject: Provide a subject line for the email.
  3. Content Type:
    • Choose between "HTML/Text" or "Text Only" for the email content format.
    • Enter the content of your email.
    • Use the basic formatting options available in the text editor to style your message.
  4. Adding Attachments

    Supported Formats: You can attach files in PDF, JPG, PNG, and DOC formats

    File Size Limit: Each attachment must not exceed 2MB.

  5. Selecting Recipients

    Recipient Type:

    • Ticket Buyer/Attendee: Choose whether to send the email to the ticket buyer or the attendee.
    • Ticket Buyer: Select if you want to email only the ticket buyers.
    • Attendee: Select if you want to email only the attendees.

  6. Filter by Ticket/Registration Type:

    • Toggle the options to select the specific ticket types or registration categories for which you want to send the email.

Sending Options

  1. Send Immediately: Send the email as soon as it’s ready.
  2. Send on Specific Date & Time: Schedule the email to be sent on a specific date and time.
  3. Send Days Before Event: Specify the number of days before the event start date when the email should be sent.

Finalizing Your Email

  1. Save Draft for Later Use: Save your email draft to continue editing or send it later.
  2. Send Test Email: Send a test email to view a sample of how the email will look to recipients.
  3. Save and Schedule/Send Now: Save your email and either schedule it to be sent later or send it immediately.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your attendees receive timely and relevant information about your event.

Using Eventzilla's email notification feature helps maintain clear communication and keeps your attendees informed, contributing to a successful event experience.

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