How to set up and manage conference event sessions and agenda

Eventzilla allows you to create events that include multiple sessions which is much required for most of conference events. For example, you can manage an event where the registrants can choose from a range of sessions.

Registrants will have a choice of the sessions they attend.

Once the event is set up the option to create a Schedule is available in Event setup >Schedule / Agenda

Click on 'Add new session'

1. Specify the sessions time
2. Enter the session name
3. Optional description of the session content
4. Enter the relevant track

5. Specify the registration requirements for the session i.e if any registration is required. If it is 'Paid' or 'Free'
6. Add the speaker details if needed
7. Location information
8. Click on 'Save'

Execution of the session display in the event page is given here:

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