How to bulk import sessions to the event?

Start by selecting the event to which you wish to add sessions.

Go to the Event setup section of your dashboard.

Click on Schedule Agenda.

Once you're in the Schedule Agenda page, click on the ‘Import Session’ button.

Existing Sessions: Importing new sessions will not affect or override any existing sessions. Your current session details will remain intact, and only the new sessions from the CSV file will be added.

Preparing your data:

Before you upload your CSV file, make sure the data is properly formatted. Here are the key steps to ensure your file is ready:

Review the sample format:

Ensure that the session details in your CSV file match the structure and naming conventions required by Eventzilla.

For the best results, we recommend downloading and reviewing the sample format provided.

To do so, click on ‘Download Sample CSV’ to view the template that will guide you in creating your own CSV file.

Ensure correct session data:

Ticket/registration type names: The names of the ticket or registration types in your CSV file must exactly match the registration types set in your event’s settings.

Required fields: Ensure that you include all necessary fields like session name, description, and registration type in the CSV.

Capacity and price:

      • If you specify the ‘Enrollment’ field as Yes, you must also include a capacity and price for each session.
      • For free sessions, set the price to ‘0’

Column format in CSV file:

    • First row: The first row in your CSV file should contain the column headings. These headings should not be deleted, as they define the data structure.
    • Character limits: The maximum character limit for the session description field is 100 characters, so ensure your descriptions fit within this limit.

Uploading your CSV file:

Once your CSV file is ready, follow these steps to import your sessions:

Browse and upload:

    • In the Import Sessions section, click on ‘Import attendees from a spreadsheet’.
    • Browse your computer or network to locate the prepared CSV file.
    • Once you’ve located the file, click ‘Upload CSV File’.

      Review and confirm:

    • After uploading, the system will prompt you to review your session details.
    • Scroll through the imported sessions to ensure the information is correct.
    • If everything looks good, click ‘Import Sessions’ to finalize the import.

Editing Sessions After Import: Once the sessions are imported, you can still edit individual session details. To do so, simply navigate to the specific session in Edit Mode and make any necessary changes.

Need Assistance?

If you encounter any issues or have additional questions about importing sessions, feel free to contact our support team at We’re here to help!

By following these steps, you can quickly and efficiently import sessions for your event, saving time and ensuring a smooth registration experience for your attendees.

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