How to send a notification to your attendees on payment failure?

When an attendee’s order is marked as Incomplete, it typically means that the payment transaction has failed or was not successfully processed. In such cases, the attendee will not have a confirmed registration for the event, and it is essential to notify them so they can proceed with a new registration or resolve the issue.

This email serves as a notification to inform them of the failure and prompts them to complete their registration again.

In this article, we will guide you on how to enable and configure this automatic notification for your attendees.

How to enable follow-up email for incomplete orders?

Follow-up emails can be automatically sent to attendees whose orders are marked as Incomplete, helping them understand the payment failure and providing instructions to complete their registration. Here's how to enable this notification:

Sign in to your organizer account.

Navigate to the Event section

Go to Registration > Ticket/Registration.

Find the option "Send a follow-up email when registration is abandoned" and toggle it to ON.

This will activate the system to automatically send a follow-up email to attendees whose payment has failed, and their registration status is Incomplete.

After enabling the follow-up email, you can choose the timeline for when the email will be sent. You have three options:

  • 1 hour later
  • 10 hours later
  • 24 hours later

The system will automatically send the follow-up email at the time interval you specify, based on when the order is marked as Incomplete.

Default Email Template: The follow-up email is a default template which includes the registration link for the event title. Unfortunately, it cannot be customized.

By enabling and configuring the follow-up email in Eventzilla, you can automate this process and ensure your attendees receive timely updates about their order status.

If you need further assistance or have questions about sending follow-up emails for incomplete orders, please contact our support team at We're happy to assist you!

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