How to Search for Your Event on Eventzilla

Eventzilla makes it easy to find events through our comprehensive directory page. Follow these steps to locate your event on the Eventzilla website:

1. Access the Directory Page

  1. Go to Eventzilla Home Page:
    • Navigate to the Eventzilla home page.

      Click on the Directory Page Link:

    • Click on the link labeled "Find great events near you" to go to our directory page.
    • Alternatively, you can directly visit the directory page using this link: Eventzilla Directory.

2. Search for Events

On the directory page, you can search for events in several ways:

Based on Location

  • Location-Dependent Search:
    • This feature populates events based on your current location.
    • Ensure location services are enabled on your device for accurate results.

Event Title

  • Title Search:
    • Enter the entire event title or a portion of it in the search bar.
    • This will display events that match the title or keywords you have entered.

Category-Based Search

  • Category Search:
    • Click on the categories displayed at the bottom of the page.
    • This will quickly list events based on the selected category, making it easy to find events of a specific type.

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