How to Add Exhibitors to Your Event

Creating exhibitor profiles for your event is an essential step in ensuring that exhibitors can effectively engage with attendees, capture valuable leads, and promote their presence. With our easy-to-use interface, managing exhibitor profiles has never been easier. This guide will walk you through the process of adding new exhibitors, customizing their profiles, and providing them with the tools they need to make the most of their participation in your event.

Why are Exhibitor profiles important

Exhibitor profiles play a key role in:

Enhancing attendee engagement: By giving exhibitors a platform to showcase their brand, products, and services.

Lead capture: Enabling exhibitors to easily capture leads by scanning attendee badges.

Brand promotion: Ensuring exhibitors have the tools to promote their presence and connect with potential customers.

Simplifying management: Streamlining event organization by allowing exhibitors to manage their own profiles and leads through a self-service portal.

Steps to add the Exhibitor profile

Navigate to People > Exhibitors. This will direct you to the section to add and manage the Exhibitor account(s).

Click the "Add New Exhibitor" Button

Fill in the Exhibitor's information

In the form that appears, you will need to provide the following details about the exhibitor:


Enter the name of the exhibitor’s organization. This is the business or entity they represent.

First name

Type in the first name of the exhibitor who will be managing the profile or attending the event.

Last name

Enter the last name of the exhibitor.


Provide the exhibitor’s email address. This is essential as an invitation email will be sent to this address, enabling the exhibitor to access and activate their self-service portal where they can manage their profile and lead information collected.

Ensure the email is valid, as it is the primary means of communication between organizer and the exhibitor.


Upload the exhibitor's logo in JPG or PNG format. The logo will appear on their profile page.

Website URL

Include the exhibitor’s website URL. This link will allow attendees to visit the exhibitor’s website for more information about their products, services, or offerings.

Configure additional settings (optional)

Customize the exhibitor's profile based on your event's needs:

1. Allow Exhibitor to capture leads

Toggle the option to allow the exhibitor to capture leads during the event.

If your event uses a lead credit system, you can specify the number of credits the exhibitor will receive. One credit typically corresponds to one lead captured during the event.

Enabling this option allows exhibitors to scan attendee badges, collect contact information, and follow up after the event.

2. Simultaneously create a sponsor profile for this Exhibitor

If the exhibitor is also a sponsor, you can choose to create a sponsor profile for them.

By selecting this option, the exhibitor’s profile information will be automatically cloned to create a sponsor listing, saving you time on data entry.

This sponsor profile can be managed separately in the Sponsors section.

After filling in the required information and configuring any optional settings, click the "Save" button to complete the creation of the exhibitor's profile.

Review and manage exhibitor profiles

Once the exhibitor profile is created, you can manage it easily:

  1. Review the profile: In the Exhibitors section of the organizer account, you can view the exhibitor’s profile to ensure all information is accurate and up to date.
  2. Edit or delete: If needed, you can edit the profile to make changes or delete the profile if the exhibitor no longer participates in your event.

These options are available next to each exhibitor’s name in the Exhibitor section of your account.

Exhibitor invitation and self-service portal

After saving the exhibitor’s profile, an invitation email will be sent to the exhibitor's provided email address. This email will contain a link to the exhibitor’s self-service portal, where they can

  • View and update their profile.
  • Access event details and lead capture tools.
  • Manage other settings as per your event's requirements.

Exhibitors must use the link in the email to activate their profile and gain access to these features.

Best practices for managing Exhibitor profiles

Communicate Clearly: Provide exhibitors with clear instructions on how to activate their profiles and use the self-service portal.

Encourage Customization: Encourage exhibitors to upload high-quality logos and complete their profiles to maximize their visibility.

Monitor Lead Capture: Track lead capture activity to ensure exhibitors are utilizing the tools effectively.

Provide Support: Offer assistance to exhibitors who may need help navigating the platform or setting up their profiles.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with managing exhibitor profiles, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team at We’re here to help you ensure your event is a success!

By following this guide, you can create a seamless and impactful experience for exhibitors, ensuring they have the tools and support they need to make the most of their participation in your event.

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