How to set-up Zoom webinar?

Eventzilla provides integration with Zoom webinars. Using Zoom integration you can create webinar events in Eventzilla. These events can be just like any other event you create. Creation of webinars happen automatically in Zoom and webinar details are added to your event.

How to connect your Zoom account to Eventzilla

Prerequisites to create a Zoom webinar event with Eventzilla: 
Active Zoom account with webinar plan enabled. If you do not have a Zoom account,  You can sign up for a free account at .   

To enable Zoom integration please do the following

1. Goto Settings > Connected accounts > Meeting/Webinar providers

2. Click on Proceed

This step will move to the Zoom website to connect your account via OAuth. 
3. Please sign in with your email id and password. 

once logged in, please click on 'Pre-approve' and then click on the 'Authorize' option.

4. After the successful sign-in, you will be routed to your Eventzilla account where you can see the Zoom account linked successfully.

Likewise, you can add multiple Zoom accounts as required.

5. By default the name of the Zoom account added will go with the system-generated name 'Zoom account#1', You can change the name by clicking on 'Preferences' against the Zoom account, Enter the required name and click on 'Save changes'.

Note: By default, the option to add your event attendees to the Zoom webinar will be enabled. You may choose not to send the notification emails sent by Zoom to avoid duplicates. This option is available on the preference menu.

Uninstalling Eventzilla app from your Zoom account

You can use one of the following 2 methods to uninstall the Eventzilla app from your Zoom account.

Method 1: From within your Zoom account

1. Login to your Zoom account and navigate to Zoom App Marketplace

2. Click Manage > Installed Apps or search for the Eventzilla app.

3. Click on the Eventzilla app.

4. Click Uninstall.

Method 2: From within Eventzilla

1. To disable your Zoom account added to your Eventzilla account, Please Goto Settings > Webinar providers

2. Click on the bin icon against the Zoom account as given in the screen here:

Click on 'OK' on the following screen.

3. You will receive a message confirming that the Zoom account has been revoked.

4. You will see the status of the disabled account updated to 'Expired' and the option to re-authenticate the account is available as well. 

5. An organizer can click on the 'Re-authenticate' to enable the account, this step will proceed to the Zoom site to connect to your Zoom account once again using oauth.

For any questions in relation to Zoom integration, please send an email to

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