Can I get a refund?

The cancellation policy is determined by the event organizers.
If you want to request a refund, please see if the event's cancellation policy has been updated.
You must contact the event organizer directly for any refunds or cancellations of paid tickets.
To make contact with the Event Organizer 

1. On the attendee profile

Log in to your attendee profile, select the event title or order ref number for your registration, and then select the "contact organizer" button.
Fill in the subject, phone number, and required message to send a message to the event organizer in the next pop-up.
Then, click on "Contact," to send a message to the event organizer. 

2. On the confirmation email

If the registration is successful, an order confirmation email is sent to the registered email address.
Please refer to the order receipt email for the organizer's contact information and email address. 

3. On the Event page

On the event page, there is a "Contact organizer" button that allows you to quickly send a message to the event organizer.
Fill out the form and click "Send" to send your message to the event organizer. 


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