Managing teams on your organizer account

Eventzilla supports creating different user accounts and defining the access level for each of the accounts. For instance, the main organizer for the Eventzilla account may create different user profiles so each user can have access to specific sections.

The main user of the account has full access and performs account user(s) creation, management of each of the accounts, and define the access level for each of the accounts. Based on the requirement, accounts can be curtailed for one user and another user is in the foreground.

Each account user can log in with a unique username and password.  After adding an additional user, you can assign the access type for the account based on your preference.

Here the steps to add an account user:

  •       Log on to your Eventzilla account > Settings > Team > Manage users >Invite a team member

  •       Enter the first name, Last name, Email address, and Username
  •       Username – This is the log-in credentials used by the sub-user to log-in to the account.

  •        Set a role   - Define the account access by choosing the role from the available options, you can view the list of the section the user can view or edit
  •         Scope – Select the events that the user can view
  •         Click on Save
  •         The user will receive an email with the link to verify the account and set a password. User can click the link and enter the password details to log-in to the account.
  •         Username should be used to log-in to the account 

Types of Roles:

The sections which can be viewed or edited for each of the access levels is listed out as a drop-box while selecting the role, This helps the organizer to understand each of the roles easily.

Read - To view
Write - To Edit

Manager- Full Access: This gives the privilege to the user to access all the event details along with the edit and save option. Except this role will not have the option to delete the account, add another user and change the account plan.

Manager- Limited Access: This role will have the option to view most of the sections and few of the sections are restricted for the edit option.

Reporting - User: Mid-level access which gives permission to view most of the sections but the edit option to this role is very limited i.e this user is allowed to edit only a few of the sections.

Check-in only: You are allowing only check-in permission to the user and no other details will be visible in the account.

On-site sales only: This user is allowed to access only the 'Box office module' which is used for onsite registration and the check-in page. No other details will be visible in the account.

Scope: All the above-mentioned access levels can be set for either all events or you may select a particular event(s).

For any questions, please send us an email at

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