How to add preset fields to your registration page?

When setting up a registration page you can add preset fields these are common fields that are often required on registration forms, allowing you to easily add them to your page without needing to create each one from scratch.

Below is a guide on how to quickly add these preset fields to your registration form.

Prefix field (multichoice picker)

This field allows registrants to select a title from a set of predefined options. The default options include: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Dr., and Sir.

  • You have the flexibility to add or remove options based on your needs.
  • This can be especially useful for collecting formal title information from your users.

Address field (Text box)

  • The Address field is provided as a text box for users to input their full address details.
  • This field can be used to gather information such as street address, city, and postal code.

Gender field (Multichoice picker)

  • The Gender field is a multichoice picker, allowing users to select from options such as Male, Female, or Other.
  • This field helps gather gender information in a simple and standardized manner.

Phone field (Text box)

  • The Phone field is a simple text box where registrants can enter their phone number.

Website field (Text box)

  • The Website field is a text box where users can enter their website URL.
  • This field is useful for collecting personal or business website information from registrants.

Organization field (Text box)

  • The Organization field is another text box designed to capture the name of the organization with which the registrant is associated.
  • This can be particularly helpful if your event is business-related or involves corporate sponsorships.

Waiver field

  • The Waiver field allows you to add a waiver or terms of agreement that registrants must acknowledge.
  • You can customize the Title, Declaration, and Waiver Content to suit your specific needs and legal requirements.
  • This is an essential field if your event requires participants to sign a release or agree to terms.

Date field (Date picker)

  • The Date field provides a quick calendar format that allows users to select a date easily.
  • You can specify the title for the date field (e.g., "Preferred Date of Attendance") and use the calendar interface to help registrants choose a date in the most efficient way.

Save your changes

Once you have added and configured the preset fields as needed, make sure to click "Save" to apply the changes to your registration page.

By utilizing these preset fields, you can save time and effort in creating a customized registration form. These fields cover the most commonly requested information and help you gather relevant data from registrants efficiently.

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