How to add section headings to your registration form?

Adding section headings to your registration form is a great way to organize and categorize the various fields, making it easier for attendees to fill out. This feature helps divide the form into logical sections, allowing you to group related questions together for better clarity and user experience.

Follow the steps below to add section headings to your registration form:

Go to your event click on Registration > Registration Form > Add a new section heading

  • A field will appear where you can enter the title for the new section.
  • Enter the required title for your section heading. This could be something like "Personal Information," "Payment Details," "Session Preferences," etc.
  • After entering the title, click Save to apply the changes.

Categorize questions using section headings

Once you’ve created a section heading, you can group relevant questions under it. To quickly organize your form:

  • Drag and drop questions: Hover over any question on the form click and hold the dragger, then drag the question to the desired section heading.
  • Drop the question under the appropriate section heading to categorize it.

This drag-and-drop method allows you to quickly rearrange and group questions as needed. By doing so, you can create a well-structured registration form that’s easy to navigate for both the buyer and the attendees.

Example use cases for section headings:

Personal details: Group fields like name, contact information, and address under one heading.

Event preferences: Place questions related to session choices or dietary preferences in this section.

Payment information: Include payment-related fields under a clear and separate heading.

By using section headings, you can ensure that your registration form is organized and user-friendly, improving the overall experience for your attendees.

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