How to import attendees to an event in bulk?

If you have ever taken orders over the phone or in person or marketed your event on other ticketing platforms, you may need to import attendee information to your event. This allows you to efficiently manage and communicate with all your event attendees centrally. This guide provides detailed steps on how to import attendee data to your event.

Accessing the Import attendees option

To access the import option go to People - Attendees page > Click on ‘Import attendees’

Preparing Your Attendee List

  • Before importing your attendee list, ensure your data is organized and formatted correctly. The list should be in a CSV (Comma Separated Values) format.
  • Please ensure you import a maximum of 50 records at a time.
  • Please ensure that the names of the ticket/registration types in your file match exactly with your event's registration settings.
  • We provide the sample CSV format, please download the same on Import attendees > Download template.

Update the Template and Upload Your CSV File

  • Open the downloaded template.
  • Enter the registrant information into the sample sheet.
  • Save the updated file on your device
  • Click on " Browse"
  • Select the updated CSV file from your computer

Map Your Data Fields

  • Ensure that each column in your CSV file matches the corresponding fields in Eventzilla.
  • Map the fields such as First Name, Last Name, Email, Ticket Type, Order Number, Company, Phone Number, and any custom fields you have.

Review and Notify Imported Attendees:

After confirming the import, you will have the option to:

  • Don't send anything: No notifications will be sent to the imported attendees.
  • Send confirmation emails and tickets to imported buyers/attendees: Choose this option to send out confirmation emails and tickets to all the imported attendees.
  • Click on ''Finish import" to successfully complete your import process.

Please check the order details given here, the payment method - Registered-Offline conveys that these are imported attendees.


Q: What file formats are supported for importing attendee lists?

Eventzilla supports CSV files for importing attendee lists.

Q: How can I handle errors during the import process?

Eventzilla will provide error messages if there are issues with the import. Ensure your data is clean and correctly formatted before attempting to import again.

Q: Can I import additional attendees after the initial import?

Yes, you can import additional attendees at any time. Just follow the same steps to upload a new CSV file. You can import 50 attendees at a time per import.

By following these steps, you can efficiently import and manage your attendee list, ensuring a smooth and organized event experience for both you and your attendees.

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